“A soldier is a soldier is a soldier” exhibition at the Army Museum, (17 June 2008 – 31 Dec 2008).
Can a real military man be gay? Can women be good soldiers? Is it the uniform that makes the man, woman or soldier? These questions are addressed in the Army Museum’s exhibition “A soldier is a soldier is a soldier is a soldier” I came across this exhibition when I was doing research for a totally different grant which I didn’t even end up applying for. But it really made me think about how interesting it was that Stockholm’s Army Museum would do an exhibition that would look so calmly at their own history of misogyny and homophobia in the military. Can you imagine the US military doing an exhibition like this? Surely this says something about the culture of intellectual inquiry in Sweden – and it was another seed planted, that this might be a good place to bring up the sort of questions that I’m interested in investigating.